All You Ever Wanted To Know About Bearded Dragon Breeding & Bearded Dragon Breeders

March 3, 2013 by  
Filed under Bearded Dragon Pets

For bearded dragon breeders they usually follow several provided protocols bearded dragon breeding. These protocols or conditions are usually to be followed by all bearded dragon breeders. The protocols for bearded dragon breeding are standardized in a way to promote uniformity on the field of bearded dragon breeding. For instance, for bearded dragon breeders, the first step to take in bearded dragon breeding is pre-conditioning. This particular step is considered very important in breeding bearded dragons. Pre-conditioning pertains to the creation of natural seasons in order to bring females into heat. However before starting pre-condition, a bearded dragon breeder should make sure that both of the female bearded dragon and male bearded dragons to be included are both mature enough. Guaranteeing the maturity of both bearded dragons assures that the breeding to take place is secured and sound. There are several steps when it comes to pre-conditioning.

The first step in pre-conditioning bearded dragons is photoperiod. This particular procedure attempts to replicate winter season. Photoperiod is considered the primary step into any pre-conditioning activity. Usually the conduct of a photoperiod procedure would take place for about 6 weeks or more than one month. An essential component in photoperiod would have to be the timer. A timer is necessary since it enables monitoring of the UBV light. The light ought to be put for approximately10 hours at the same time as the darkness is supposed to be employed for 14 hours. The maximum idyllic bask spot is seventy eight degrees whereas 64 to 67 degrees should be sustained for remaining part of the enclosures. Food items that are to be provided and fed to the two bearded dragons have got to be lessened throughout the specified time interval. Following this particular time interval, the light could then be modified. At this particular stage, both light and darkness are provided equally for 12 hours. Subsequent to photoperiod, the pair that is used for breeding is intended for weight gain. It is recommended that food items with high fat content should be given like that of wax worms. The amount of food that is provided at this time should exceed their normal food intake. Providing more food items is intended to get the pair ready for breeding. At this particular point pre-conditioning is completely done.

After Pre-conditioning, the breeder should be able to secure that the males and females are constantly together although 4 weeks have already passed subsequent to photoperiod. More often than not, given the scenario that are several breeding pairs placed in the enclosure, males have a tendency to turn out to be aggressive and they usually fight among themselves, on the other hand there is the apparent phenomenon of submissiveness that could be seen from the females. The aggressiveness of male bearded dragons is manifested in their behavior of bobbing their heads gradually together with the waving of their arms. Females on the other hand, would start searching her place of choice where she intends to lay her eggs provided that she already became fertile. The more advisable tip for breeders is that they have to see to it that females would opt for a place which sandy and soft. This kind of environment is endorsed for female bearded dragons. Breeders have a chance to provide and establish such a place for female bearded dragons by putting together play sand and garden soil. Female bearded dragons which are pregnant have a tendency to become heavier as compared to how they weigh before, thus identifying them among the bearded dragons in the enclosure would not be hard.


One Comment on "All You Ever Wanted To Know About Bearded Dragon Breeding & Bearded Dragon Breeders"

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