All You Ever Wanted To Know About Bearded Dragon Breeding & Bearded Dragon Breeders

March 3, 2013 by  
Filed under Bearded Dragon Pets

For bearded dragon breeders they usually follow several provided protocols bearded dragon breeding. These protocols or conditions are usually to be followed by all bearded dragon breeders. The protocols for bearded dragon breeding are standardized in a way to promote uniformity on the field of bearded dragon breeding. For instance, for bearded dragon breeders, the first step to take in bearded dragon breeding is pre-conditioning. This particular step is considered very important in breeding bearded dragons. Pre-conditioning pertains to the creation of natural seasons in order to bring females into heat. However before starting pre-condition, a bearded dragon breeder should make sure that both of the female bearded dragon and male bearded dragons to be included are both mature enough. Guaranteeing the maturity of both bearded dragons assures that the breeding to take place is secured and sound. There are several steps when it comes to pre-conditioning. Read more